Happiness Could Be Simple

If there is one thing we already know about happiness, it’s that it’s not a destination but a by-product of how we live each moment of our life.

Simply put, a happy day could make a happy life.

While what constitutes happiness may be different for each person, an important step toward being happy is knowing what makes us unhappy.

Here is my personal list of things that deplete my happiness meter.

  1. Being unproductive
  2. Procrastinating
  3. Eating unhealthful food
  4. Overspending/wasting money
  5. Over-consuming social media
  6. Not keeping track of my daily activities
  7. Not achieving what I set out to do
  8. Forcing connection with people who don’t want me in their lives
  9. Being inauthentic
  10. Giving in to distractions

Meanwhile, here are some of the things that give me a sense of satisfaction.

  1. Getting people together
  2. Completing a project or task
  3. Eating healthfully
  4. Spending below or within my means
  5. Using the internet with intention
  6. Planning the day ahead and reflecting on the day that passed
  7. Spending time with cats or dogs
  8. Spending time with people I truly connect with
  9. Being true to myself — living with integrity
  10. Getting into flow by managing distractions
  11. Going on long walks
  12. Traveling; spending time in nature

Being aware of what makes us unhappy and happy leads to a simple yet powerful action — doing more of what gives us joy, and doing less of what does not.

There’s no better time to be happy than now. Choose it, no matter your circumstance.

Happiness: the feeling of peace, acceptance, fulfillment, truth and presence.

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